Collection: Perverse Label

Lobnan Mahfouz is the founder and fashion designer of Perverse Label. Since the day he was born in 1989, he has held a passion for art. He forever seeked further
knowledge in everything that had to do with art. To him, fashion is a way of living and not merely riding the trend tide. He was enthusiastic enough to decide the path he wanted
to pursue early on in his life. Therefore, in 2011, he held an honorary degree in Fashion Design and Pattern Drafting from ESMOD Beirut - and the journey started. From Lebanon
to Turkey, India, and China, he applied his knowledge and grew his expertise in the fashion field traveling across the world. There came a day in 2015 when his patriotic self
boxed the experience gained abroad and brought him back to Lebanon. "The Lebanese people are known for their appreciation for arts, fashion, and craftsmanship. The level of potential and creativity that lies within our craftsmen is immense."

This was his drive to come back and make something new see the light. He performed extensive research and spent months observing until finally the first gender neutral
brand in the MENA region came to life - Perverse Lab